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Reply to "Cannot access templates"

I am having the same trouble with the listings and have decided that a plain listing is better than no listing, so all my 30 due to go on today are dead least the page will load quicker! Look on the bright side! I just did 20 5p BIN's, no way was a plain advert putting me off that saving - so go ahead anyway all of the way, I scheduled some with templates a few days ago and they did have templates then so they may come back when the problem is sorted out. Remember this is all free....PS On top of that little problem is anyone else having their paragraphs all jumbled up on saving the listing? Stuff is coming out all over the place and lands on ebay in the same condition so I have to revise ALL my listings every single time - I cannot retrieve the special colours I use of course so they are lost - I would be interested to know if it is just me...stuff at the bottom comes out at the top is driving me to Trak Auctions again...I do not have time to revise every item every time I list something - now that does make me mad!! Smiling through gritted teeth.....
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