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Ebay's New "Revise Item" Screens

I was taken by surprise this weekend when I reivised some Ebay listings - they have a whole new screen layout. I found it really cumbersome but I'm sure alot of that will be just getting used to the new format. However, I just attempted in this new format to change my Gallery photo and can't figure out how. Anyone else struggling with this new format?

Just found out I was selected to TEST Ebay's new SELL item format which carries over to the REVISE item and RELIST item formats. Don't know how I got so lucky, but after my inital frustration, I was forced to work my way through it, as I had listings that had to be posted today.

Just realized this format change has been implemented for the "Relisting" function also but apparently not systemwide. I am getting the new format when Revising AND Relisting on Ebay.UK but only getting it on the Relisting function for
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