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Listing errors

Welcome to eBay Developer Support LiveHelp. Please remember that support is billed in 30 minute increments. Connected with Rekha Patel.

[Kevin Commentary]: Thank you for billing me in 30 minute increments to report the problem with your API.

Rekha Patel: Hello Kevin
Kevin: AddItem calls are returning 502 Bad Gateway errors.
Kevin: happened yesterday as well
Kevin: I see there was a post on the production sys announcement boards
Kevin: but, I see no updatem which is horrible!
Rekha Patel: I completely understand

[Kevin Commentary]: I'm glad they understand. I'm feeling better already.

Kevin: any update?
Rekha Patel: Our engineering team is working on it
Kevin: what do you suggest we do in the mean time?
Rekha Patel: Retry the calls
Kevin: we're retrying constantly
Kevin: but, due to your limitations of how many API calls you'll allow per second and how long it takes for the 502 error to be returned to us
Kevin: we're now thousands behind
Rekha Patel: And the retries are also not going through?
Kevin: well, sometimes the item does actually post.
Kevin: but, we're returned the gateway error message, so our system thinks it failed.
Kevin: so, we then retry again
Kevin: and it compounds the problem
Kevin: because our system is retrying over and over
Rekha Patel: I see... So even for the retries you get the 502 error
Kevin: not always... actually most retries are giving me the message of UUID already has been used.
Kevin: hence, I know the item did post when I receive these messages...

[Kevin Commentary]: Okay, this conversation with Rekha goes on and on but doesn't really get anywhere. Basically I've been told they will let me know when there is an update, but their engineers are working on the problem and there is nothing we can do about it in the mean time, other than "retry the calls". Wish I had more info for you all.
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