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Not sold on SellAthon...

Well, my month is almost up over at SellAthon and I have to decide what I am going to do for a counter... Sure I could use their free counter, but I won't be able to see the stats anymore. However, if you ask me the stats should also be FREE.

I'm just not sold on paying SellAthon for something that they are turning around and re-selling again...

I mean, they collect information from the counter that is in our listings and then they sell that to other people...and the information that they collect is the real information that one needs in order to make a better listing.

It really does not matter if 20 people searched for and found your listing for "Banannas" when the other 1000 people found "Bananas". I mean, in theory, if you use the basic SellAthon service, you could be floundering around in the dark trying to do different things in order to tweak your listings so that you get more exposure... And all the while they are collecting data from your lisings and then selling it to someone else to let them know that oh, BTW, don't spell bananas wrong and you will get more visitors to your auction... Smile

I mean, essentially who cares how someone finds your auction or what search terms they used if your auctions themselves are flawed and you are only attracting the people who stumbled upon your ad, rather than being first in line for the thousands that know what they are looking for...

The "killer app" for eBay is the one that tells you flat out what search terms are the most common for the item you are trying to sell. And I think we'd all agree that the best time to have that information is BEFORE you try to sell the item...not after the third of forth failed listing...

I'm sure there are those who are paying them the $50 a year for the pretty graphs and the fancy per hour break down of hits...and initially I was right on board and going to send in my payment...but the more I thought about it, the less it made sense.

The real information that a seller needs is not how people did find the item that you have listed, but rather how people are looking for the item you plan to list... The basic SellAthon service does not give YOU any way to figure that out...but that information is available to you from SellAthon...but that will cost you even more money...

Just my nickle and dime'd to death rant...
Thanks for listening.

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