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Confused heHelp a.s.a.p. please!!!!lp
I just opened an eBay store a few days ago, and had listed some items in it for auction & store inventory. these items showed up in my auctiva window and looked great at the bottom of the listing. I was so pleased.<br>
I has some revisions to do, and when I finished, much to my dismay, I realized that for each and every revision, auctiva relisted the item over and over. I now have one item listed 3 times and another is listed twice.<br>
It might not be too bad, but the total of the two items for sale is over $1100.00. I now have buyers who are expecting numerous items when there are only 2.<br>
How do I get Auctiva to stop this? or can I? Do I have to close my Autiva store? <br> HELP ME PLEASE. I can't get the listings to delete from Autiva and I have watchers on these items. I'm starting to panic here... LOL No, I really mean I'm starting to panic big time. <br>
How do I stop this. How do I delete the listings from Auctiva????
thanks for any help,
Original Post

1) Revisions to your active listings should be done directly through eBay. When you click the "Revise Item" link on the active listings page, it simply directs you to the eBay "Revise Item" page, so I'm unsure how you ended up with multiple listings.

For future reference, to revise your listings, just check the box next to the listing on the active listings page and click "Revise Item".

2) The duplicate listings should be cancelled through eBay and eBay can be contacted about a refund. They're generally pretty good about giving refunds if you explain that you accidentally double posted some items. It is best not to say that you use a 3rd party listing service when contacting eBay for a refund.

Once you've cancelled the duplicates on eBay, you can make them hidden in your Auctiva store by going to Auctiva -> Store(tab) -> Edit Items . On this page you have the option to make listings hidden. Listings that are hidden will not be displayed in your Auctiva store nor will they be displayed in your Auctiva store window the next time it does so about every 2 hours.

I hope this helps=)


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