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Hi Community,

We have been receiving various complaints from customers about the performance of the Sellathon counters of late. Our developers have confirmed that they have not been keeping up with our requests and we are in the process of deciding the best way to proceed with this issue.

We will either be working this problem out with Sellathon or terminating our affiliation with them and devising another way to offer counters to our customers. However, at this time, I do not have a good idea when this decision will be made and come to fruition.

Thank you for understanding.

Last edited by auctivamiked
Hello out first post and my first listings with Auctiva, (I've got ALOT to learn to pare all this time consumming stuff down!).. but my question>>>>>

I tried to revise my Auctiva listing from E-Bay's site, but all I got was HTML (which I don't understand and didn't use to create my listings here) and no way..unless i didn't see it .. to revise some of the wording.
Can you also revise from the Auctiva site?

Also, how do you get that counter back that e-bay offers when you list with them? I miss it!
Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi, the reason you see HTML is because Auctiva does that behind the scenes, it is "instructions" on how to display the template, what font sizes and colors, and much more.
No, you cannot currently revise listings within Auctiva.
To add the ebay counter, it's in one of the revise tabs in the ebay Revise Your Listing. I can't remember exactly which section its in. But you change it from no counter to the counter of your choice.

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