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We also delete images we think are safe to delete. It would be better if you deleted them rather trusting us to.

But if I delete the images that are safe for me to delete how does that keep you guys from also deleting the ones you think are safe to delete?

I say make a formal request -- maybe even send out an e-mail if it's that important -- and I bet many people will be willing to do this.
That's weird, I had the same thought today. I'm mostly curious about trying to delete photos of store listings I had running before they were downloaded to Auctiva, since thos are hosted on ebay already, and about keeping photos hosted here of new store listings, that might be listed for quite awhile. One more thing,I would like to know if the size of the photo being downloaded changes anything. I had my camera on the wrong setting and downloaded some bigger photos. Are they automatically re-sized, or will this mess with my listings?
Hi stargoddess -

We automatically resize images for your listings to 400x300 because that is the best size for online viewing. It won't 'break' templates and it is big enough for people to see. Once a buyer clicks the "supersize" images link on a listing, it will take them to a separate page that shows the original image you uploaded. If you uploaded a gigantic photo file, it might make that photo hard to see when suspersized because there might be a lot of scrolling involved, but it won't affect the size of the pics that go on the actual listing.

The only scenario where this is different is on custom templates where you can decide if you would like to have your original images placed on the templates. Since custom templates are mainly used by those who know HTML, this is usually not an issue.

Hope this answers your question -


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