Hi. As seller, you have the right to cancel any bid/bidder and no explanation is needed. You can block this person from bidding ever again. I hate bully's! One thing I must say as well, you can not add the price of gas as part of your handling charges. ebay does not allow that. Handling includes: TIME: to pack, and on line at PO and of course package material costs. To keep DSR's down, explain what your handling charges are in your listings. I state in my lisitngs I charge 1.00-1.50 extra over shipping costs. Now, I sell vintage jewelry. I'm sure handbags cost more in handling fees than my merchandise, however, I cannot see it much more. Don't want to sound like a know it all, trust me I'm not. This is more of a been there done it...not to mention how peeved I get when sellers over charge. If a piority box is used, what are the true handling costs? At that point, much less than mine, since I purchase bubble mailers in bulk. And yes, when I purchase lots and pay through the nose and see that priority box, I will ding their DSR's. Just something to ponder.