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A friendly note for those using shared templates!

A friendly reminder:

I noticed my graphics were used in another template that was posted. I honestly don't mind because I got the background for free and it took me just a few minutes to crop out the ball and add the text.

I do know other designers who make their own graphics or belong to pay sites to obtain them and its not good practice to just use someone elses work.

Some even have the copywrite info in their templates and this also applies to the HTML as well. So if you see something you like and want to use with your own graphics or background, ask first instead of just "gutting" someone else's work.

So before altering someones work it always nice to ask first, chances are you'll get a yes anyhow.

No harm intended just a heads up so no toes get stepped on. I've seen it happen way to many times and don't want to see it happen here Wink
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