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Reply to "Ahhhh, hmmmmm?!? Not posting to Ebay?"

Hi Community,

Thanks for helping to bring this issue to our attention. As many of you have noticed, we were experiencing a technical problem that was causing a number of listings to get stuck in "posting" status on the Scheduled Listings page instead of posting to eBay immediately.

This issue has since been resolved so any listings that were stuck in "posting" status should have either posted to eBay or failed to post by now.

When I refer to "this issue", I am referring specifically to the one that was ongoing within the last hour or so. Based on the comments in this thread, it sounds like we may have had a similar hiccup last night but I don't have any direct knowledge of that.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page:

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