You are always such a calming force in what could become a Hurricane REAL QUICK, but I thank you for your contributions of 'Reason' and 'Sanity' here.
I am with you ... problems? I also experience very few, If any....and the ones that I have had have been due mostly to my own shortcomings - Inexperience with browsers, computers, settings techie stuff anyway .... it's mostly turned out to be ME ME ME causing my own problems, and all I'm saying is, when that happens I turn to that big spot on the wall where I bang my head until it ALL BECOMES CLEAR, or I take a break and come back when I can think....which means that half the problem is solved....just by thinking.
I can understand frustration and all the deadlines and the "I need to... or the world will end", or "the owl will visit", or "someone will eat the last Moonpie before I get it", or..... But the point is..."Life is what it is" ..."Plan Ahead" and "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...." and the one that has the most impact and positive ramifications.....
" Patience is a virtue "
Unfortunately for most of us, it is an aquired virtue, taking lots of work, tons of effort and all our lives to perfect....
but oh, what a reward it is . . .
and very calming too, in a nice quiet way...

So thank you Suthernjewl for your voice of reason.