However we're hoping buyers will want to choose a specific action and taunt as they become more familiar. It's still fun both ways though. The list of taunts is still short right now but we'll be adding a bunch more this week. We've designed it so we can add more with just 1 file change.
quote:"solve" some sort of puzzle
You are thinking like us. We plan to have some puzzle games so that bidders that don't want to race or compete can enjoy BattleBids too. We plan on introducing more games that match better with eBay's categories and some generic apps that will work with any category. One example being an Auction house style app with an auctioneer on a stage with his gavel and the bidders seated in the audience. We'll of course have some funny actions bidders can choose when they bid! For clothing and womens items we have a few ideas for different apps. One of them being a dance competition where you choose your dancers moves.
BattleBids is eBay approved and ok to put into your listings. We already put a credit into eBay listings you post through us and if you put any more it may break eBay's 3rd party credit rules. They have a page of rules as to what 3rd party credits may be included in a listing. So I wouldn't advise adding any more unfortunately

#2 and #3 we've thought about doing. #1 could be a good idea. We keep track of your Auctiva stores and already do split testing and try different ideas to maximize the number of buyers that click on items. So if we offered that feature we'd want to do it in a way that enhanced buyers looking at your items. Overall I think it would probalby hurt clicks, so it would need to make up for that loss of clicks by bringing more traffic from the search engines. If the net result was more clicks then it's a winning idea.