I agree the best place to implement selection options would be at checkout time. Who knows how long that will take to implement, but it sure would make things a lot easier for the sellers of clothing items.
We actually do run one or two colors in auctions and then refer them to the store for the rest, but prior to now we had to do it in subtle ways. At least now we can be more obvious about it. The only downside to it is that we will still need to maintain all our listing and we have around 400 in Auctiva so it is a real pain when we want to change a template or something since we have to go through each one individually. It literally takes all day. That is unless you know a way to change a template used on listings in a bulk manner? I've checked the find and replace but didn't see a way to do it there unless I overlooked something.
If the checkout method you mentioned was available we could reduce our total listings to less than 100 and things would be much more manageable.
Perhaps in a few months this will be a possibility. One can only hope.

Thanks again!