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Anything Sells?

You know, I have observed that almost anything can be sold on auction sites and I have sold some odd stuff, myself. As a matter of fact, I have a couple oddballs for sale on my site now. Most recently, there is the lady in Kansas who is making a killing selling Tumble Weed, Yes, I said Tumble Weed.

My wife makes fun of me for trying to sell Outhouses on Ebay, although she loves the one I made for her. Well, let her have her fun, this lady in Kansas has given me new drive.

Yes, I make wooden Outhouses and I think they are cute and useful. They are about 8-1/4 inch high and 3-7/8" wide and 3-3/8" deep. They have doors with brass hinges and a door pull. They have a sloped roof with lapped board roofing and it even has a crecent moon on the door for that nastalgic look. They have a (2 holer)seat and a cute sign on the wall over the seat.

The seat is designed to lift off creating a place for popurri, scented oil or any good smelling stuff, so you see that they double as a room freshener. There is a front and rear vent to allow the scent to escape into the room and you can leave the door agap for more ventilation if you choose. Of course, they would be mainly used in the bathroom but I suppose you could use it where ever you felt it necessary.

Under no circumstances should you try to use a lit candle or anything else that produces heat or flame, duh, they're made entirely of wood. I have to reiterate this often or some careless fool will burn the house down.

I custom make these Outhouse in the customer's choice of color. They are made to look old and weathered, who ever heard of a new outhouse, there is presently one on my Ebay now.

So, what do you think? Is my wife right or do you think this thing has merit.
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