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API warning -- item specifics, catagory

I can't seem to fix this problem. I keep getting this error.

API Warning

Your Item Specifics ("2135") do not match the category you selected.

I try to reselect the catagory and re-enter the item specifics but get a message saying that I have selected an invalid ebay catagory. So, I try again to select a catagory and choose something related but different, I select several levels down and then get a blank box and can't go any further. I try to save it the way it is, but then I get a message that says that I have to select a leaf...but I can't make another selection because it isn't there!!! I've also noticed that many of my item specifics have recently dissappeared in my saved listings. Anyone know what the heck is going on? I thought it was a glitch that would work itself out but is has been several days now and still getting the API warning.
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