What's up? Ready for the holidays?
So, as you've read here on the boards there are concerns from 'some' members about Auctiva's sky falling on top of their heads. Resembling a SpareDollar senario of auction management hell. They're suggesting you begin charging a monthly fee to ward off this impending doom. So, what say you? To charge or not to charge, this is the question.
I think I understand how you're generating income or at least how you plan on generating it once Auctiva takes off. Personally, I think it's pretty savvy. Still, there is that damn sky above us and for some it looks like it's about to fall! Yikes!
Perhaps, they're suffering from post tramatic stress syndrome from SpareDollar hell? Maybe they didn't get enough sprouts and Kool-Aid growing up? Who knows. How about setting them straight and explaining 'again' how it is that Auctiva can realllllyyy generate income and stay afloat without charging a monthly fee.
If your explanation isn't good enough - then perhaps, you can set up a monthly fee structure for these 'Chicken Littles'. Or a donation or whatever. Then again, you could always continue to generate income via your alliances and charge a monthly fee as well. Why not? They're out there waiting and ready - go for it.
Is the sky falling? Is Auctiva going SpareDollar on us? Will there be a monthly fee?
Is 'free' the hook the nets us all? Ahhhhh....
I'll await your answers, lol.

Until then, someone please pass the Kool-Aid. Thanks.