WHAT is API? Is this something I know and don't realize or is it something I may end up knowing about and won't be happy that I do? It sounds like the latter. As it is, I'm selling most things for far less than I paid, and am trying ONLY to make my seller's fees back plus what I paid, so selling at all is pretty much an exercise in futility.
I wonder if eBay will EVER realize that they're shooting themselves in the foot. Oh, they're not gonna go under; the big business sellers will keep them going forever. It's only the REAL people who will end up institutionalized because of eBay's terrorism.
I know this isn't feasible; it probably isn't anything Auctiva would even want to do, but I still wish Auctiva would start their own auction site. I realize that competing with eBay is a gigantic undertaking and that Auctiva is probably not large enough to and probably doesn't have the resources to HAVE its own auction site, but just think how comforting that would be. Everything all in one place.
After all, there are lots of people who use the Showcase who barely know Auctiva exists otherwise, and who WOULDN'T welcome the idea of an auction site that's relatively the SAME as eBay but without the gestapo tactics?
And of COURSE there ARE other auction sites OUT there. I realize not that many people use them compared to eBay, but I think that's also because nobody wants to learn a new system. I've never tried Yahoo or Amazon.....I've looked around, but when there are only 39 items in the entire Pottery category, for example, I realize that I can't take the risk that nobody will see my things, PLUS, *I* don't want to have to learn a new way of doing things. Mostly though, it's the idea that there just aren't enough bidders there.
Anything with a few less rules and something that's not constantly clawing at your pocketbook while warning you that despite the fact that they want everything IN your pocketbook they're gonna rip it out of your hands........well, just think about it.
The problem of course, will ALWAYS be that everybody in the world with a computer KNOWS that eBay exists, and getting the word out that somebody ELSE does would be the hardest part.
I, for one, would rather pay ALL my money to Auctiva to have an auction site that didn't give me nightmares worrying everytime I put up an auction, rather than being afraid to open my mail and see yet another warning or price increase or new regulation from eBay.
Well, I can dream, can't I? I know, if wishes were horses.............
