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Auctiva Needs Quicker Response to Support Inquiries

I have had a case on file that has not been responded to so I thought making that known here would possibly elicit a response. To make matters worse, the first two communications of that support case has disappeared--that happened after the extended downtime experienced recently. So I had to explain it all again. Time is such a precious thing and so much of it has been wasted during the extended problems Auctiva has experienced. I would have thought customer service would be a prime goal after witnessing all the dissenting messages during the mentioned period. I have had excellent customer service in the past, so this is puzzling to me. Now that the site and software are functioning well (knock wood!), I'd hate to see customer support get compromised. For the record, I am not having any problems at present--the support in question is my concerns of the recent alarmingly frequent problems users have encountered and my request for comp days added to ALL users accounts. I don't think I am all alone feeling this way. It's nice to have things working again and not feeling frustrated, but I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was hoping for some encouraging words from Auctiva via my support request. But so far, it has only been silence......
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