I read Ebays Answer Center some of the questions by new sellers are beyond belief. Please, I am NOT slamming new sellers, everyone has to start somewhere, I am merely saying that if some of them haven't grasped the basic concept of how ebay works they shouldn't be selling to begin with. If a person signs up with ebay and says 'hmmmm, gonna sell some stuff right away' the chances of something going wrong are pretty good. No user agreements are read, no tutorials taken. At least if they buy a few things first they would have an idea of how things work.
My main point being this---even if Auctiva HAD a detailed post about everything mentioned above, it probably wouldn't get read by most people. They want the beautiful templates, extra pics, and easy sell form, and they want these things NOW, but then after the sale they don't know what to do. Look at how many of us with hundreds of FB are still stumped by certain things...Ebay is much more user UNfriendly now than when I began using it, it's no wonder folks have problems.
The basic gist of this (long) post is---Auctiva could list every little thing that might go wrong but if no one reads it what's the difference? People have a tendency to jump in without getting their feet wet first.
OK I'm done,