I wanted to tell the OP over there that this happened to me on Oct 16th and I went straight to Live Help. They said it was an unusual problem and forwarded it to the correct department. The problem soon went away. Several buyers had difficulties paying. It's an eBay thing for sure.
I apologize if I sounded snitty. I sure didn't mean to and reading it now, it sounds pretty tacky to me. So I hope you didn't take it wrong or forgive me if you did.

I thought it was funny (not haha) that my first contact with eBay about it was exactly a month before their estimated repair date.
I have found more help on here than on any discussion board I have posted to previously
I second that. This is a great board! And I love Auctiva's tech support... and I'm not even paying them.
I rarely post there, lurk to learn, and just stick to the Vintie board.