Posted August 04, 2007 04:07 PM
Calling Auctiva please note the number of clients who are being panicked over their listings dissappearing off of eBay I do not believe it is doing you any good.
This information should be made clear in the sign up process, if it is in place great, if not please tell prospective clients so they can 'schedule' the disappearing act for a sales off peak time.
They never stepped up for this one either.
Posted by me in response to your post
quote:Posted August 09, 2007 08:06 AM Hide Post
Hey Choo it sure seems like Auctiva has been on the boards alot the past 2 days? But they are ignoring this post like it is the plagueActually I have not seen Auctiva give a satisfactory answer to any post asking them to warn people about indexing issues
Why do you think that is? Maybe they feel that warning people will decrease sign-ups?Personally I feel it is better to have been forewarned and be a satisfied user than not be warned and sign up only to quit using Auctiva. I am sure that quite a few people never even make it here to the boards and just throw there hands in the air and never use Auctiva again.That is really a shame.ANY REPLY AUCTIVA SUPPORT ?
Hello Auctiva are you listening here?