There are some things I believe would make the site more user friendly for seasoned users/active community forum members such as ChooChooGuy, member_8880 myself and many others.quote:I don't feel I need to, or owe, a reply to every post or question.
I concur whole heartedly that
.What would be nice is if you could make a stock set of answers for indexing issues and place a category on the community board for Thursday maintenance with a sticky post as to why Thursday night and why that time so that the Newbies and those who chose to complain can be directed straight to Auctiva,s answer rather than we volunteers having to answer the same question over and over.quote:We could tattoo the answers to most of these questions on peoples foreheads when they register and they'd still ask.
I could not agree more with ChooChooGuy
So according to the stats you do not need to inform new clients about eBay's anti-hijack listing pulling. Ok, officially it is not a problem, so not our problem but in my opinion it is bad PR and a touch complacent.
Jeff what is the possibility of creating an advisory board with input from Active Community members? I believe a brainstorming session would greatly improve our ability to be pro-active members of the site.Possibly a private invitation type of forum where ideas and input could be freely exchanged back and forth without less seasoned input if you catch my drift?
I understand the cost and time implications involved in setting this up but I believe the overall benefit to the site would ultimately pay off in a better user experience and bottom line for Auctiva.
I love the site and if I was on the West Coast would have probably investigated employment opportunities with the company.
ChooChooGuy here is a direct link to the thread I was referencing earlier where eBay pulled my post due to FeeBay references