Hmmmm.....Still thinking...I re-read Jeff's first post again (thank you Jeff) and it makes perfect sense. Put yourself in his place, no matter what he might do not everyone will be happy. I will be optomistic here..at least this is a site that has excellent services for FREE, a wonderful community center, and a CEO, engineering, and all the other Auctiva folks that will personally answer questions on the boards and in a support request. Where else can you find that? Sure there are problems now & then, but what website doesn't experience problems? I could see losing one's mind when things go wrong if we were paying alot for this, but we're not. We are free to use Auctiva or not use it. Granted, the problem the other night that sparked this whole thing was a big one, and something that none of us could have fixed, but it WASN'T Auctiva's fault. That's all I have for now...
Still gonna watch this thread...