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Reply to "Auctiva--we are looking for a response"

I was quite surprised to find that the listing speed in the afternoon was almost the same as the very early hours. In Opera (the thing that Tony wont support) it took just about 2 minutes per listing. I uploaded 5 impages (one for each listing first) and then created 5 new listings changing only the title, category (all were stamps) and one line in the description. Changed the image as well. 5 listings, 9.5 minutes. Did the same thing with the "approved" Firefox - 13.5 minutes AND a busy script when trying to add a picture to the listing. The image part of creating a listing is really bad. Just to see, I did 5 listings almost the same way (you need to load images per listing not all at once) on the site whose name I cannot mention, 5 listings in 2.5 minutes. That was a little SLOWER than it usually is. I'm still not clear on the amount of time everyone thinks is slow. I think 10 minutes for 5 listings is too slow. Is it worse than that for you?
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