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Auto deletion. Why is this still not addressed?

Hello, Is there a way to delete images from image hosting when I delete a listing? Deletion wizard does not support this option. All of our listings are one of a kind. Many of our listings that do not sell we like to keep for relist at a later date maybe next year or in 3 months ect. so just because it is inactive does not mean we want to delete it.
It seems like a check box to delete all images associated with a listing when you go to delete a listing would be pretty easy for you to add. As it is right now it is a very daunting task for me to clear up my account and you servers. I would most likely use up half the space we are right now. As I know other people would benefit from this and the cost savings and ease to implement on your part [A few lines of code at the most] It seems like this issue is a no brainier and should be taken care of by now. This is not the first time I and others have asked.

Please help, as it is costing you and me money at this point.

Off topic: Could you please stop spamming me with the alilibaba cr@p , I don't buy cheap china crap nor do I wish to sell or support it.

How about adding a made in the USA source tab and you would be the leader in this area. There, I am sure plenty of small mom and pop company's that would love this type of exposer and resource. I can think of at least a dozen right here in my little town. Just a thought.

Larry @ CurbTradersVintage

Curb Traders
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