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Reply to "Auto Feedback Problem"

8 days back and forth with Support and I still can not bulk load pictures.

Best answer was... "use the HTML loader until we upgrade"

6 days back and forth over the description reverting to the default font and the best they came up with is "dont use your backspace key"

Why not ???? It damn well works here !!!

I challenged Billing using lack of ability to use 2 of the major listing tools.

THEIR answer was to cut and paste part of the terms and conditions under which we all signed up for which clearly states that Auctiva is responsible for no aspect of their site, that we use it at our own peril.

One thing that seems to work perfectly >> my Paypal account was dinged $9.95 exactly on the day they said it would be.

Must be nice to charge people and have no responsibility for the service your charging for working or not. Ohhh.. no negative feedback either !!
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