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Reply to "Auto Re-list question"

Hi Ashleycat,

Thanks for contributing to our forum.

We do not currently offer an easy way to determine whether an item you have posted with one of your Auto Relist profiles has been automatically relisted for the last time but, if you are curious about a specific listing, there are some things you can check to determine the current Auto Relist status.

First of all, if you search for an item on your Closed Listings page based on the title, you should be able to see the complete history of your listings which have been posted with that time.

Any specific items on your Closed Listings page which have already been relisted will state “Last relisting as: _____” beneath them and any items which have an Auto Relist Profile attached to them should cite the name of that Auto Relist profile in the same area.

For example, if you were to find 4 instances of the 30 day listing you mentioned on your Closed Listings page and that the one which closed most recently has been relisted, you may be able to conclude that the most recent relist was the 5th and final one that will be executed automatically according to your profile.

I hope this helps!

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