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Reply to "Auto re-listing"

Hello LWW,

I'm guessing that you are referring to the change for Fixed Price items so that they will all need to be GTC listings instead of using any other duration.  If this is not what you refer to, please elaborate on your comments with the specifics of your query so I can get you a more appropriate response.

However, if this is correct, then unfortunately not.  We have no plans to eliminate auto relist profiles systematically from any account.  You would need to manually select the listings that have such profiles on them where you believe the profile will no longer be of use to you and then use the "Stop Auto Relist" button near the top of the Active Listings page to end the profile on the selected listings.  Please note that you can display up to 250 listings at a time and if all of the items on a given page have a profile you wish to end you can select them all with the check box that is also near the top of the page and then stop the auto relists.

 - Craig

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