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Big trouble brewing for Ebay sellers - must read

If you have noticed a big change in your ebay traffic read below.

I have seen a huge drop in traffic to my ebay store and it began on Aug 20th. It started literally that day.

I have since learned there is a new search algorithm being tested/implemented and its responsible for this. I compare my traffic on previous months and the same month on previous years and its clear as day. Aug 20th on, my traffic is down by 2/3rds.

See here:

I though it was recession related, so I started adding more listings. No help. Even less traffic.

So what is the root?

Well, I am a power seller and use Omniture, the ebay analytics tool, the answer is there.

Look at your 'finding methods' > 'referring domain' search and look at july, aug, and then sept.

Mine went from an average of 4 to 5,000 ebay domain searches both previous months to a massive drop to only 400 in September. All other domains stayed stable.

Ebay's new search algorithm is favoring all kinds of new types of sellers, but mainly Chinese sellers and fashion outlets.

They have also changed the format for finding their categories, which accounts for some traffic down.

If anyone knows anything else or something different please post it here.
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