Hi BrenTreasures,
Thanks for posting your question here. We do not currently offer any tools that allow you to change which eBay categories items have been listed in through Auctiva so, as trinkets mentioned, you will have to make that specific change through the Revise your Item form on the eBay website.
Additional information regarding how you can revise your listings directly through eBay is available on the following page of eBay's help index: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/edit_listing.html
However, there are some aspects of active eBay listings that you can revise individually or in bulk from your Active Listings page within Auctiva. In order to familiarize yourself with those options, just select one or more items on your Active Listings page, click the “Bulk Revise” button, and scroll through the “Select Field to Edit” drop down menu on the ensuing page.
I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab within your account and selecting the “File Support Case” option.