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Reply to "Chemical Testing on Kids"

yep.. we americans think we cannot become again like we once were....get so brainwashed to allow robbery and killing the indians to help the robber barons... BUT ALAS... its here ALL AGAIN!!!.... anything that will help the short term profits of the robber barons this is what the govt is doing.... so always follow the money... if something affects the profits of the robber barons.. the govt will give out what is needed for them no matter how many americans it will watch for public water systems... and other areas where the expense will not lower the taxes on the rich....

look at the 1950's and now and compare the transfer of americans wealth from the people to the few...our founding fathers who fought for this principle of WE THE PEOPLE are now turning over in the their graves seeing how america has become what they was fighting against... the power and wealth with the FEW.. like the kings of england....
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