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Reply to "Consignment"

The consignment isn't usable! MY first consignnor with 8 items did work. When I first tried the payout for them only two auctions showed up, the next day all eight showed and I was able to print the invoice for that consignnor. THREE PAGES FOR EIGHT ITEMS!!! I should sent them my payout page that I wrote.( On my payout page I can get about 23 items.)
My second consignnor ended with two auctions. The first time I tried the payout I got the first auction and no second one. The next day I got no auctions to show. I tried today and got the second auction and no first auction.
My first consignor with eight auction still shows up and I can print a payout for them. They show up as active Status.
They need to do a lot of work on this and add more funtion for this to work for anybody.

Jeff is anyone working on this to get what you have to work??
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