I am new here but not on eBay

You are looking at a minefield & a very expensive one if you get it wrong.
You will get most of the info actually on ebay, or copyright site
> How can I make it possible to use company logo's of the product we are selling,
Ask them first, very important, if they say no ,that it!!

>Or maybe even some pictures of the product from the company web site?
The Same goes if you are using it commercially
ie To make a profit!!
If you did not design the material involved, the person who did, owns the copyright, or the company themselves.o/w they can & do sue.
Often informed by others through the VERO programme or sites like FACT
Copyright is valid for most things for between 50 to 70 years after the death of the copyright owner[ depending on what it is ]
But again copyright can be sold on as Micheal Jackson owning the Beatles stuff
I hope this helps, you can use nothing commercially without their permission
As i said, plenty sites explaning it all, often in great detail
I hope this helps