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Reply to "Create listings for ebay"


the platforms vary notably in terms of operation as well as capacity.

The original eBay Only service does not allow you to post to locations other than eBay and does not have an inventory system that updates across platforms as a result.  If you only sell on eBay and primarily use auctions, this is the recommended platform.

The MultiChannel service obviously allows you to post to sites other than eBay but includes eBay - such as Amazon and MoreCommerce (which provides access to their distribution network of various other sales points).    The process of creating products differs from the eBay Only service and the system allows to you select from different inventory processes to ensure your products are available as you desire.

If you are interested in using the service, but have other, more specific questions, please feel free to file a support case from the Help menu of our site and we'll be happy to assist you.

- Craig

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