Neil, I wanted to list some items today so I went with my other customised Black Reflection template. Thanks for the further info you provided which has helped others here too. Are you please able to give us a vague ball-park heads-up on roughly when the new versions of Curly Red (white) and Curly Red on Black (the one I'm after) might be available?
I did read and theoretically understand your instructions, but I'm actually just terrified of trying them

Katie, thanks for the tip and I'm glad you agree with me; I have on occasion copied things to a text editor. It's mostly when I've needed to find a word that I know is in there, but I just can't see it. And the line breaks etc can be useful; I tend to get a bit lost in all the <>...</> so I can't see if I've closed everything off.
What I've been doing so far, is just tweaking HTML but not using Standard view, and not using "Save and Preview". I seem to recall even these simple acts also add more code to the HTML. So I semi-accidentally worked out that "Update" is a Save, but without a Preview and without switching it to Standard view (which "Save and Preview" seems to do). So I've been tweaking, Updating, then going back to my listing and clicking on Preview from there to see the changes. Clunky, but with less chance of mucking up HTML code, at least for me (I did say I was a luddite).
Thanks again for all the contributions to this thread!