quote:Hopefully Auctiva will build a stand alone store we can use
We'll have something late this year. I'm always a little hesitant to give dates when it comes to software as they have a bad habit of slipping. I'd also hope to make some type of headway with eBay on some ideas I have over the next 4-6 months. One cool thing is they have at least been asking me recently for some ideas. That's better than before. All you guys using Auctiva is really making them pay attention to us finally

Would it help if we were able to import your Auctiva Poster saved listings into our current site? I'm not sure how much longer the classic site will make it. At the current pace I'd guess at least a year, but sales could just tank at any time in this business. eBay controls that for us somewhat. When they send sellers a packin they chase away our customer too.quote:It's useful data to me. I'm rather hesitant to abandon it.
The eBud tool is so awesome. That's a tough one to replicate in a web browser so I'm not sure what to say there. There are still a lot of features it has that we don't have in the web based version. But it's sort of been our guiding force in how we wanted to have our post auction management be.