quote:Originally posted by annkate:
It seems to work better for me, yes. I don't sell really high priced items. And it's often hit or miss for me in auctions. I can put things out on auction or out in fixed price, and nothing. I don't understand it. But then I put the same listing, with often a higher price, and it sells in my store two days later. I don't truly understand it.
that's been a hot topic in ebay stores forum lately - upping your prices in order to sell more. Basically it's about perceived value. (an example I gave in one of the threads was 'Why is it James Avery silver pieces sell so high? Perceived value.' (which, yes their quality of workmanship is top-notch, but i still think their prices are too high)
But my profits are up this month--with fewer auctions. I thought it was because Ebay was putting store listings right in the search results, but I kept selling even after they stopped doing this.
I really just started seeing more sales in my store because I've been working on my store inventory. Now it's down to nothing, I'm afraid. But that's where I'm going to focus my effort--for now anyway.
However, I did start out with low opening bid auctions in the beginning to drive people to my store. I haven't even been doing that lately. But that does work. People look at your other items. And then there's the whole concept of watching an item in a store. I know I like to think about it and will watch an item in a store for up to a month.
So some of those store item watchers might actually be real customers? I figured they were probably competitors watching to see if my items sell. Thanks for the info - nice to know that some might be real customers

And as a buyer, I don't like waiting for an auction to end--or missing out because someone outbid me at the last moment. When I shop ebay, I shop more in the stores. And maybe there's others like me.
as a buyer, i'm the same way. If i cant snipe it on a listing ending fairly soon (within a few hours or at most a day or two) I'll buy it from a store or using BIN. I do try to give more of my business to stores