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eBay Australia - no Bank Deposit option


I stumbled upon Auctiva fairly recently and was at first disappointed to find that listing wasn't available for eBay Australia, and then read forums further to find that it was "coming soon" - good timing for me!

Now it is here and I'm very happy about it - hopefully it will make listing a lot easier for me once I start getting the hang of it.

Only one problem/question... I don't seem to be able to make Bank Deposit a payment option in my listing. This is a problem because Bank Deposit is very popular and a lot of people seem to want to pay by it (even when I am offering PayPal). So far if I create a listing in Auctiva, I have to then revise it in eBay to add Bank Deposit as a payment option.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it just not available? And if it isn't, is it on the agenda to add? I understand that the eBay Australia support is very new, but I can't help wondering/asking....

(my first Auctiva forum post - hi everyone!)
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