Marine. . LOVE your store! Nice looking. Do you mind sharing who set up your page? They did excellent job. I need to have something done for my clothing and cosmetics and found your different and very nice[QUOTE]
Thanks.. There were two people who pulled it off Jean'et from did my Auctiva template but had never played around with a Auctive Commerce store so Michelle G. from did the AucComm store.
They both had great prices. You will find Michelle in almost every forum in the top section as she is always helping people out. I also paid for a hour of her phone training and it was great and neither one broke the bank.
Here is my anyway.

Hello Mike,
Thanks for contacting us again regarding this matter.
I would like to inform you that as of now we do not have update regarding this matter.
At this time it is not clear how our listing page will be effected as a result of eBay's changes. After eBay makes their changes we will update our listing tools in compliance.
Please look for site changes and notification emails for details on the exact adjustments we've made.
If you have any additional questions or concerns pertaining to your Auctiva account, please feel free to let me know, and I’ll be happy to continue assisting you.
Auctiva Support.
------------------------- Below is my reply to them---
I was kind of not looking for the canned answer. This is something that we need now as eBay wants us to change to FP.
They are reducing the insertion fee to $.10.
So what we need now is to be able to be able to bulk change store listings to Fixed Price.
Can't wait for this reply