So yes, I've been 'out' for several days (not exactly skeered-off!)....and there's no doubt I've missed a *bunch* of yer mischief !

But the truth is..I've been quite busy scrambling to re-think and resuscitate my (nearly dead) game plan for becoming a seller. Because of the radical changes in ebay's fb & fees etc.(muy bad idea!) -- I've been fervently studying all the backlash posts from others like ya'll (seasoned sellers)...on a variety of other sites and boards! This has *dramatically* affected the way I view and calculate any thoughts of selling. Sadly (very sadly!), I've been forced to conclude ebay would likely NOT make it on my short-list of venues to consider. Such an irony too, cuz I also feel quite fortunate to NOT be in a position (like many of you) of having to deal with a bunch of existing inventory (sorry M

Just very depressed (because i'm new..and impressionable)... to witness all the veteran's ire out there on the web via their angry reactions. Sure gives us newbies something to think about! And so... I've been doing just that! -Thinking, and re-Thinking all my previous assumptions..about EVERYTHING related to ebay selling!). --Pretty bummed-out overall !!

As of today!... I'm not at all confident I'll press-on with my previous notions of try'n to become a seller on ebay. Probably will keep my 8yr-old userid...but only for occassional purchases (maybe!). But even then, there are plenty of other sources for the things I might sometimes look to buy. --- I just wonder how many other new folks there are out there (like me) who absolutely LOVE the Auctiva Tools and Community...but are now *seriously* reconsidering the whole idea of selling on ebay.

And AJ?..this recent turn of events must surely have at least some kind of bearing on Auctiva's interests as well ! Now obviously a "no-response" from Auctiva is quite understandable. But those with any awareness at all...can easily smell the scent in the air..ya' know? Of course you do! (((You see, the folks around here are pretty damned bright! But even some of the dimmer ones like myself..are nevertheless aware of how posts like this can ultimately serve to irritate you & your crew ))).
I gotta' tell ya' much I appreciate the opportunity to learn from everyone! My HEARTFELT thanks to Lusty-eyes, Shadeax, JeffS,Choo, 9thWave, and so many others here! Oh yeah and thank-You Taz! Couldn't forget you..could I? Just wish you (& JeffS) wouldn't keep sugar-coating your valuable opinions and input!

Try to keep 'em under control (if you can) missy-M !
-- How about ummm... maybe let's try.. an Orange! ?