This is a community forum and you waltz in trying to make money off the bat from members here?
Get a life TROGLODYTE , now that is name calling "FOOL"
Have at it, you currently are dealing with some of the cream of the community.
Sorry if that leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
What are you trying to do for 500 BONES? Get money off the backs of others!quote:eBay is a huge rip off and anyone who tells you otherwise either is lying or is completely ignorant of the truth. Do not believe the info-mercials. You know those people aren't making their money from eBay and never have. They're making their money from all the suckers who buy their books, software, etc.
Which just could qualify you for scavenger or carpet-bagger!
Please crawl back in your hole and once you meta-morphosis in to something desirable make a re-appearance.Oh let's say a million years or so Neanderthal. Here let me provide a link to Google you may need it!