..uhhh. Excuse Me..What was that again??
" ... i'm giving people a choice... "
...ummm.. lemme' think!, to pay you money...or not. - hmmm!
" ...if you want to continue to get screwed by greedBay, go ahead!... "
now that's encouraging!! -- nice deal-closing skills!
" ... when you spew all your hatred and name-calling, you're only making yourself look stupid... "
I see! Wow..now I remember!..(" mama always said..stupid is as stupid does! ")
" ...I don't work free, but i do work cheap.. "
well sorry buddy, we've all been hard-up at one time or 'nuther.
Nevertheless... Today!-I'm rather happy you ain't workn' fer me! Cheap or otherwise!

Rather reminds me that wisdom seems to come with age and experience (as I hobble onto the T-box)
...and I remember the first time someone brought to my attention " ...the ONLY fella on the ENTIRE course who can't see what's being done wrong... is the guy swinging the club!! "