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Ebay New Rules for Gallery Showcase Etc

Just in case you have problems listing certain items. The below might be the problem.

ebaY has issued new rules on showcases/galleries etc

Due to recent hacking attempts eBay has some rules about showcases.. eBay doesn't allow words like christian dior there etc (large
amount of louis voitton and christian dior scam is coming from china and some other regions) so for now if your auction titles contain those
words the showcase won't work.
There's one case where a gallery/showcase/store auction won't list due to the word warranty..which will boot out the whole auction and won't list.

So if you have a Christian Dior Dress or Pattern or gosh, I don't know how many other words are being blocked from being used in the galleries/stores/ sure to get with eBay as they instigated this new policy due to China and Asia scammers.

This has been reported to Ina at Auctionbytes in the hopes that she will look into this further.

Good Luck,
eCommerce Sellers Motivators "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? But actually, who are you NOT to be?" Marianne Williamson
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