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eBay sellers/buyers? Would you mind taking a look at my listings please...

I'm not trying to sell you any of my crap, so let's just get that out of the way first.

If you have a few minutes, I'd really like your opinion on my listings.
I used to do eBay successfully in the mid nineties, I sort of feel old now 'cuz so much has changed!!
I sell random vintage crap - you know what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure... Unfortunately, my sell thru rate is also crap.

I want YOU to let me know if you see any obvious problems, please.
I'm a big girl! I can take it! Let me know what you see!

For those of you who have a few minutes, go ahead and click on that link above....

For those of you who have nothing better to do than keep reading, right on! Stick with me folks, here's the real deal:

I'm using ONLY eBay's free listing days, I mean, I'm flat effing broke ('scuse my language) So I really can't use advice right now that includes purchasing a subscription to terapeak or some such, you know?

Last night I updated all my listings with a free 'Billboard' header and footer - I really really hope that this will up my sales, I seem to get a decent amount of views, so I think it's a matter of 'hooking the customer'.

I personally price things by research from completed sales, except in cases where I know damn well that something is worth more than current market supports - but it's my own fault I'm not getting the inventory timing right, I have so much stuff...

My very supportive family has donated 'stuff/crap' to me to help me get back on my feet, I also have a professional/dry/secure storage packing area. I'm for real about this, I'm not a beginner or a fly by night!

I did this a long time ago! I know darned well if I just keep working hard I can do this again!

I'm burning out guys - I need some pep talk, I need some critiques...

Hello? Are you still with me? Allright folks, check out my listings, and let me have it:

p.p. Thanks in advance for your time and honest comments.
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