Is frustrating for sure. . especially since we have been asking about this for months and have not received ANY response on forums since August. Here as two responses we have received on this and nothing else on forums.
Posted July 14, 2009 12:45 PM
As an FYI, Auctiva does not yet support multiple variation listings. We hope to do so later in the year.
Auctiva Tony M.
Sr. Product Manager,
Here is other August 3rd response.
Posted August 03, 2009 10:00 AM Hide Post
We appreciate the concerns being expressed in this thread. We understand the savings and opportunity that Item Variations offers; it IS on our product roadmap.
However, Item Variations happens to be a big project so we aren't in a position yet give an ETA as to when we will make it available.
Auctiva Tony M.
Sr. Product Manager,
Here is link which has their notes and a few of the other notes on this. though there are several running around.
I asked auctiva to combine the links so all in one place, but have not noticed that being done. Was told this was going to be passed to a moderator and suggest writing support for everyone let's write support.
thanks for your input