Hello indo8,
In order to edit the content of a scheduled listings, please click the "Scheduled" link under the "Listings" tab within your account, check the box next to the desired item, and click the "Edit Listing" button. Then, on the ensuing page, make whatever changes you would like the scheduled listing to reflect, and click the "Save" button.
When you receive the message stating "The Ad you are about to save has one or more scheduled posts...", just click the "Confirm Save" button at the bottom of the page. Revising the content of your listing in this manner will make your scheduled listing reflect the changes without creating a duplicate.
If you cancel a scheduled listings before the item is actually posted to eBay, no fees will be assessed pertaining to that listing.
Any additional questions? Please file a support request using the approrpiate link on our help page: http://www.auctiva.com/free-auction-software-help/help.aspx