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Reply to "Edit Images in Scheduled Relist"

Yes and No

It depends which images.

Those in the description section can be "REPLACED" in you image library with updated images.

The header and gallery (the ebay "one free") can be changed at the Auctiva end, but may need replacement using Revise listing. That's assuming ebay doesn't refresh those images at Relist, i.e. not sure given the February changes if that will automatically happen. If that's the situation, using ebay's Relist and doing the change/upload there or checking that a URL back to Auctiva has a new/correct image is probably a better method.

Reinstall of background template? That one has me stumped on how it was lost. You could simply export all the HTML and replace the Description section while doing a Relist-edit at ebay. That can't be done from Auctiva. If you use that method, be careful and don't delete the SG code or you'll also need to export the SG code and add it back at ebay too.

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