Hi Pat -
You can change active listings through the following method:
1) Locate your listing in your Saved Listings folder, make any necessary changes, and save.
2)Check the box next to your updated listing in your Saved Listings folder and click the “Get html” button.
3) Copy the html in the popup box.
4) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
5) Click "Edit Description" then click the "Enter your own html" tab.
6) Paste the copied html in place of what's there and save your changes.
While the return policy does not show up in the listing preview, it will still be present on the eBay listing once posted. This is a little "bug" on our preview page that we will be addressing with a future release.
Hope that helps! If you still have questions or need help, don't forget our FAQ and Customer support team http://www.auctiva.com/free_auction_software_help/help.aspx