tj, you will need to get the html code for the window to put in the listing to place it where you want. If you list thru Ebay or Turbolister, it will automatically be added to the bottom of your ad if you have it active. You will also have the heading bar with the "Seller added the following on xx date" before you see the window. Some do not like to have that info so they add the code themselves.
What it sounds like you did, is copy and paste the html without actually changing the editor first.
In ebay -When you get to the item description it will have 2 tabs. One is standard and the other is the enter your own html. You will need to click the html tab then paste the coding. When you go to preview you will see the final result.
In Auctiva - In the item description, there will be a button on the top left corner of the editor called source. Click it and paste your html coding, then click the source button again and you will see the final result. This will be just the description only, it does not include any templates or tags. You will need to create a custom template for those things.