I have had a response from Auctiva,see below.

I ended up doing listings back through ebay, time consuming, but it was driving me mad. It still doesnt make sense as the postal/zip code entered was the same for all my listings, and some of those uploaded fine! So i am not convced this is what was causing the problem!

have posted auctivas response below, didnt really help me but may help others!

Sian xxxx

I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. The error message returned in response to your attempt to post these listings was: "Enter only the numeric portion of the PinCode."
The reason this error is being generated is because, in this listing, there are characters in your zip code in the "zip code" field.
Please remove the alphabets, leaving only the numeric portion of your zip code, and you should then be able to post the listing successfully.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thank you,
Auctiva Support.